At Padmani we are proud to be a holistic yoga lifestyle brand that supports kundalini yoga, an extremely important technology during the Aquarian age, as well as floor sitters and meditators in every discipline.

Part of becoming a well-rounded, truly holistic company is giving back – we believe it to be the most important part.

The Lunseva Project brings awareness, education, and menstrual cycle support to underserved people who menstruate.

  • We advocate that no sentient soul should exist without the support, resources or confidence that they need during their lunar menstrual cycle.

  • We advocate honoring all people with periods by supporting their healthcare so their life giving role not overlooked.

  • We advocate uninterrupted education for all people.

  • We advocate the elimination of prejudice and ridicule.

At Padmani, and with your help, we donate a percentage of sales revenue and seek individual donations to Lunseva toward raising empowerment above poverty.

We are proudly partnering with DivaCup to distribute the world’s #1 reusable menstrual cup to those in need.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for participating!